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3rd Essay Competition for High School Students on Environmental Issues launched!
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- 3rd Essay Competition for High School Students on Environmental Issues launched!

With the financial support of the Government of Sweden and in the frames of the Keep Georgia Tidy Project, Georgian Society of Nature Explorers “Orchis” announces an Essay Competition on the theme of “Biodiversity Protection and Association Agreement” which aims to promote environmental protection and the Sustainable Development Goals as they are perceived by the youth and to increase their engagement.
The Competition is open to students of high schools.
The deadline for the submission of essays is June 30, 2021, 18:00. The winner will be known on 3 August 2021. Essays should comprise 5-7 pages.
Two winners (I and II) will be identified per theme in the frames of the Competition, which will be granted a monetary award comprising 500 GEL and 400 GEL respectively.
The headline of the essays are:
“The Role and Significance of the Association Agreement for Biodiversity Protection”
“Identification of Priority Directions and Actions for Biodiversity Protection and Preservation that should be Reflected in 2021-2023 Action Plan to Fulfil Association Agreement”
The essay “The Role and Significance of the Association Agreement for Biodiversity Protection” shall describe benefits that have been obtained and/or are expected in terms of the protection and preservation of biological diversity and/or ecosystem services thanks to the fulfilment of the commitments (or any specific commitment) defined by the Association Agreement. The discussion and conclusions shall be based on the review of the current situation of the sphere concerned. It is advised to provide recommendations about actions to be implemented in future. Proposing personal original view in this regard is welcomed.
The essay “Identification of Priority Directions and Actions for Biodiversity Protection and Preservation that should be Reflected in 2021-2023 Action Plan to Fulfil Association Agreement” shall describe instruments for implementation of the Association Agreement. The priority directions and actions that facilitate fulfilment of the AA in terms of biodiversity protection and preservation shall be depicted, or new directions and actions which can enable more efficient implementation of the AA commitments shall be suggested and justified. Proposing personal original view in this regard is welcomed.
The theme covers the following context:
“Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Georgia, of the other part” was signed in Brussels on July 27, 2014. It comprises a component of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA).
The European Parliament endorsed ratification of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA), which also includes the agreement on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade on December 18, 014 in Strasbourg.
The Parliament of Georgia ratified the document on July 17, 2014. The parties were fulfilling those stipulations of the Agreement that are within the exclusive competence of the European Union before completion of the ratification process.
In July 2014, Georgia and EU reached agreement about the Association Agenda, which for a certain period (3-4 years) defines priorities between the commitments taken under the EU-Georgia AA and its DCFTA component.
The Government of Georgia, via order, approves an annual national action plan to ensure implementation of the EU-Georgia AA and Association Agenda.
New cooperation institutions including the Association Board, Association Committee and Sectoral Subcommittees were established in the frames of the AA.
The AA fully entered into force on July 1, 2016.
The AA includes legally binding statements, envisages strengthening of cooperation beyond boundaries of conventional treaties and covers all spheres of the interests.
In terms of biodiversity protection, the AA addresses important aspects such are:
Approximation of Georgian legislation to the EU acquis. The necessity to adopt legal requirements regarding the environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment and liabilities for environmental damage are considered in this context. The mentioned legislation that has been already majorly adopted by Georgia essentially ensures biodiversity protection, because they require the assessment of impacts on biological diversity and respectively aspects related to necessary preventive measures as well as adequate liabilities for damages caused. In addition, the AA defines specific actions for biodiversity protection, including the approximation to the EU acquis, e.g. adoption of the Law of Georgia on Biological Diversity. The preparation of this law is necessary to ensure that Georgian legislation reflects the directives and different international treaties indicated in the EU-Georgia AA. Among directives mentioned in the AA are: Directive 2009/147/EC of 30 November 2009 on the Conservation of Wild Birds and Directive 92/43/EC of 21 May 1992 on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora. This draft law is not adopted yet;
Protection of species and habitats in order to develop the Emerald Network in Georgia according to the Bern Convention. Currently there are 46 designated, 4 candidate and 15 proposed emerald sites in Georgia;
International cooperation in the field of fishing and especially fishing in the Black Sea. According commitments defined by Article 234 of the AA, active cooperation is established with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Regional (GFCM) of the Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Many activities (among them studies) were implemented through technical support of this organization including drafting of the Law of Georgia on Aquaculture in line with EU standards and requirements which is a precondition for the sustainable development of aquaculture in the country; and others.
Please send your essays on the following e-mail address: orchisge@yahoo.com indicating your contact information as well as the name of your high school. After sending of the essay, please wait for our confirmation of its receipt.
Good luck!
“Keep Georgia Tidy“ Project is being implemented by the NGO Consortium: Georgian Society of Nature Explorers “Orchis”, Keep Georgia Tidy and Greens Movement of Georgia/Friends of the Earth Georgia through funding of the Government of Sweden, with support of Georgian Ministries of Environmental Protection & Agriculture, Regional Development & Infrastructure, and Education, Science, Culture & Sport, and in cooperation with the Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia and Environmental information & Education Centre.