“Clean Up Georgia” Project (Phase III) Information on the arrangement of green spaces in Gori Municipality
In the framework of the Project “Cleanup Georgia” (Phase III) Georgian Society of Nature Explorers Orchis purchased from “Georgian Saplings” Ltd., young plants of yew tree, lime-tree, pomegranate and walnut, and on March 30 a landscaping action was carried out in Gori Municipality. The saplings were planted in the adjacent to the occupied territory village Mereti where “Megobrobis Bagi” (Garden of Friendship) was laid out. Municipality Governor and other employees of the Administration (Gamgeoba), Mereti school head-master, teachers and students, as well as the representatives of mass media participated in the action.
The saplings were also planted in Nikozi and Variani squares.
The project “Clean Up Georgia ” (Phase II I ) is carried out by a consortium of NGOs including Georgian Society of Nature Explorers “Orchis”, Greens Movement of Georgia/Friends of the Earth-Georgia and “Raising of Ecological Awareness and Waste Management” with the financial support of the Government of Sweden, with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, in cooperation with the “Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia” , Ltd .